Sunday 9 December 2012

Female Gov Character

My first design for a Government citizen. With the nature of this government strongly suggesting totalitarianism it's important for theme's I've associated with this Government to drive the design; They feel almost militaristic, and preserve a strong sense of business about them while still being regarded only as citizens.

Referring back to my core narrative concept, the words I'd used to describe them were 'Overbearing' 'Ballistic'  'Green' 'Clean'

In the basic line drawing it was important to give the Gov citizens strong upright stances. The idea behind High collars and extended shoulders was to give even a female character a slightly more broad and upright appearance.
Here I played more with public identification, how these people would be singled out as being in league with this government; Using green to give them an opposing color to the city citizens, and the stripe down the dress that was influenced by bar codes.

The design felt a little too 'Dolly' and looked as though it needed more bulk. After studying characters and games with designs that seemed to have repeating patterns, I looked into making a pattern of my own, one that I wanted to persist throughout each design and include in a variety of ways. This pattern I am hoping to inspire a logo design for the Government and in turn something strong to identify them by. 

Here the female character looks bigger and more powerful, and the green has been darkened down. I also wanted more of a business edge to shine through.
I also wanted to run with the idea that in the Narrative there are camera's placed high above the streets that would bear down on and watch the city citizens as part of the totalitarian theme.
These camera's could also scan bar codes on clothes. Each bar code could be unique to the person wearing it and offer full insight to whom the person is for the person watching behind the camera.

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