Monday 24 September 2012

First Thoughts

First Thoughts 

So first post for my honours project- Lets get the ball rolling.

So I want my project to explore character design and concept, watching a character evolve from that first awful doodle on the back of a notebook to something that will appear in a game or an animation. 

I think my focus will be what happens in between those points when you look at a concept and think
'Why is he interesting? Whats his story?'

In short, the process in which narrative effects the concept for a character, vice versa, and the extent of this effect.
I'm hoping that this idea will develop over time, and that a good research question will come of it.

Property of Wesley Burt - Massive Black

As a rough outline, within the next few weeks or so I will be:

-Researching concept artists
-Exploring characterization
-Looking at the design of game worlds, where a character fits
-Cultures, fashion styles
-Aesthetic vs Function  
-Developing art skills, looking at tutorials, how the pro's do it. 
-Drawing up concepts for characters

Thats all for now folks :) x

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