Friday 15 March 2013

As I had missed out on semester 2 of pitch, It was challenging to condense everything from that semester for crit and organize all the research and work I had accumulated.

The biggest progressions that I focused on presenting weer the development of a base concept, going into detail as to how I came to create the concept itself, the changes i'd made to it along the way and explaining how the core concept would be the driving point behind my designs

I then showed and explained the character concepts, not in as much detail as i'd hoped as I forgot to mention a few important design points in the presentation. Overall I was met with optimism and a lot of suggestions in where to take my research next.

Feedback summary.
Robin, Ryan, Brian:

Look at real world examples of world oppression 

My oppressive government:
How do they treat people 
What do they make them wear
How does the media deal with it

Expand an oppressive regime. 
“HG Wells Time Machine” Future society that provides everything.

Appendages for government class, how is it different from mining class?
-Identification + Affiliation (Focus on?)

Produce a range of characters for final (Flagged Twice)
-Where is the final design coming from?

More experimentation and iteration 

Look at - 
Logans Run. Film Study
Fashion, Vogue. 5th Element Fashion, Case Study?
Mass Effect fashion iteration. Talk about iteration and compare with games that do the same.
How Fashion is portrayed in games
Designing characters for ‘Urban Living’
1984 J 

I found that fashion design was an interesting and unexpected research topic to bring up and I will explore it into specifics and in what ways it can conjoin with concept design.
Another of the next major research points will be fleshing out the bones of the concept further, I feel the story and the background of the City and Government people would require a more focused, personal take on the design of a character rather than mass-designing a general style.